Trends in Corporate Language Training

by | Language Training

Language training has become a necessity for any organization wishing to do business on an international scale. Whether expanding to new markets or purchasing from overseas vendors, having the ability to communicate in multiple languages is more important than ever before. The strategy behind language training has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the weeks-long immersive classroom training sessions, and instead a more modern teaching style has been commonly adopted. Several new trends in corporate language training are now being widely embraced that enhance the experience for everyone.

Training For Native Language Speakers

For multinational companies, it is important for native language speakers to be trained in how to communicate better with non-native speakers. Native English speakers, for example, commonly use idioms that are impossible for non-native speakers to understand. Just being cognizant of eliminating phrases that come from sports jargon and similar regional colloquialisms can make communication significantly smoother and more effective for the whole organization. In the 21st century, no successful language training program is complete without a program for native speakers.

Embracing Virtual Training

While some face-to-face training is still needed, in today’s fast paced world, virtual training allows for the most efficient method to train large groups of people. Virtual training allows for the flexibility for learners to take classes when it is convenient for them. Courses can also be designed with a diverse pool of teachers, giving students a well-rounded experience. In addition, the anonymity provided by virtual instruction allows for students who are uncomfortable participating in group settings to complete training in a way that works for them.

While in-person training cannot be completely eliminated in all cases, the addition of virtual training has opened up many doors for organizations needing to add language training in order to achieve their goals.

Expanded Diversity

Diversity and inclusion must be more than just buzzwords in today’s corporate culture. Native language speakers have always enjoyed a significant advantage over non-native speakers in the workplace.

Language training not only allows an organization to run smoother and more efficiently, but it is also a concrete, specific way for organizations to make good on promises to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. A well-rounded and effective language training program allows for historically marginalized populations an opportunity to thrive and helps the organization at the same time. Simply put, in today’s world, language training is a win for all involved.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is slowly but surely making its way into corporate language training. A.I. allows for personalized training and instruction to match a learner’s specific objectives as well as learning style. By using A.I., students are able to learn exactly what they need to know in order to meet their own specific needs, as well as have it taught to them in the most efficient way possible with regards to their own strengths and weaknesses as learners. As we get further into the 21st century, look for A.I. to soon become widely adopted in almost every corporate language learning program.

Corporate language training is rapidly changing and these new trends are being widely adopted, which in turn leads to lower costs, more effective teaching, and a more well-trained cadre of employees. When looking for a language training program for your organization, look for a language training company that is adopting these trends and strategies in their programs. The best programs will embrace technology, provide training for both native and non-native speakers, and enhance the workplace for all.       

Workplace Languages

At Workplace Languages we are not limited to just translation services, we also offer our clients a wide range of corporate language solutions so they can thrive in the international business environment. If you would like to learn more about Workplace Languages, and how we can help you with your language and translation needs, please contact us here.

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Workplace Languages has the answer for all of your corporate language needs! Online & onsite / in-person language training is available 24 / 7 / 365. And we offer over 200 languages for your written translation, voiceover and over-the-phone interpretation needs.

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