Effective Ways to Add Interpretation Services to Your Video Calls

by | Communication, Translation

With the ability to have international teams working together on a regular basis, as well as the global economy continuing to scale, many of these organizations are working with multiple language requirements for every single meeting or virtual event. It’s critical to have proper interpretation services available when needed, but ensuring everything runs smoothly while virtual poses even more challenges. Here are the best ways to successfully add language interpretation to your video calls:

Invest in Proper Video Conferencing Tools

This might seem obvious, but good technology will go a long way in making video calls successful, especially if they require interpretation services. Imagine trying to host a video call in multiple languages without the infrastructure that can support it – it would be a disaster!

Large video conferencing companies have developed a multi-channel feature that allows different audio channels for different languages through the use of interpretation services. Listeners can select their language and be connected to the audio of the right channel for them. This ensures everyone is hearing the information in real-time and can be active participants in the meeting.

Ensure the Interpreters are Highly Skilled

Effective interpreters have a very specialized skill set. What they are doing cannot be done by any bilingual person. Interpreters have to be able to convey the message, tone, and context in real-time; it’s a very demanding and detail-oriented position to be in. Here at Workplace Languages, we have skilled interpreters who will understand the context of your organization before they join your video calls.

Utilize Multiple Mediums

If you’re hosting a video call that has attendees with varying languages, try to prepare materials ahead of time and ensure everyone is able to look them over prior to the meeting. Remember, this is only effective if the materials are translated into the necessary languages as well. Doing this will give everyone the time to think through questions they might have beforehand, making the meeting run a bit more smoothly if there is a Q&A section.

Additionally, tell your interpreters and presenters to utilize the chat function that most video conferencing service providers offer. If the context was missed or a mistake was made, the chat function is a great way to add clarity to the meeting.

Hedge Against Technical Challenges

With an already dynamic meeting in place, you’ll want to have all your technical details ironed out in advance. It’s best to get the meeting hosts and interpreters on a call to test out the equipment, ensure an understanding of how the meeting will run, and make a connection to one another so you can work as a team throughout the meeting. This pre-meeting call is a great time to test that everyone has their software updated and running smoothly too!

It Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Effective

No meeting is perfect, and virtual meetings are known for throwing curveballs from time to time, but with the proper team in place and prior alignment, you’ll be able to host a great video call with interpretation services. Once the meeting starts, don’t expect things to be flawless, but know that your team is equipped with the skills needed to work through everything that could come up. Reach out to our team here at Workplace Languages if you’re looking for a language specialist or professional interpreter to assist your organization!

Interpretation Services at Workplace Languages

At Workplace Languages we are not limited to just interpretation services, we also offer our clients a wide range of corporate language solutions so they can thrive in the international business environment.

If you would like to learn more about Workplace Languages, and how we can help you with your language and translation needs, please contact us here.

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Workplace Languages has the answer for all of your corporate language needs! Online & onsite / in-person language training is available 24 / 7 / 365. And we offer over 200 languages for your written translation, voiceover and over-the-phone interpretation needs.

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