Professional Translations: Why They Beat Out Automated Translation Tools

by | Translation

Why Automated Translation Tools Fall Short In a Diverse World

In today’s richly diverse workplace environments, accurate translations are more important than ever. A well-translated sentence can make all the difference when trying to have an impact and connection with your audience. This is true for business, legal, medical, or personal use. Automated translation tools like Google Translate are good at their job and popular because they’re quick and free, but they do have their limitations. New tools on the market like AI translators are even more advanced, making it even easier to access translations that look good at-a-glance. However, automated translation tools are still mostly literal and lack the original text’s distinct character and message. This can cause many problems when looking to translate important legal, medical, or financial documents.

Precision & Accuracy

Automated translation tools can struggle with precision and accuracy. They often translate text literally, leading to errors and misunderstandings, especially with idioms or technical terms. Professional translators understand both the source and target languages deeply They can capture the true meaning and feeling of a text, even in highly specialized circumstances. This is crucial for medical and legal translations, where even a tiny mistake can be costly.

It is also important to consistently capture an author’s intent across cultural and linguistic differences, bringing as much of the nuance, context, and character of the author’s works into the translated text as possible.

Cultural Sensitivity

Language and culture go hand in hand. Automated translation tools often miss these cultural specifics, resulting in translations that might be technically right but culturally off and feel cold and robotic. This can be a big issue for businesses trying to reach international markets, and it can even lead to embarrassing or offensive translations. Professional translators are also culturally aware. They adapt translations to fit the cultural context of the target audience, understanding the cadence and wording of things in that language. It can greatly influence how a brand is received in different regions.

Quality & Consistency

The quality of automated translations can vary widely depending on the complexity involved. When things get overly complicated, much of the specific character of the original language can be lost and a lack of consistency across the translation occurs. This can be a real problem for businesses that need clear, uniform communication across multiple languages. Professional translation services have strict quality control processes, including proofreading and editing, to ensure that multiple language experts check over each translation and agree on its accuracy. Experienced translators who specialize in different fields can identify and confirm the specific nuances of a given translation.

Confidentiality & Security

Confidentiality and security are paramount for sensitive documents. Automated translation tools may not guarantee the safety of your data, as they often store and use the information processed for training or other purposes. Professional translation services prioritize your confidentiality, using secure methods to handle and store your data. This means your data always remains private and protected.

Human Touch

Finally, one of the most important benefits of professional translations is simply the human touch. Language is always evolving, and automated translation tools still can’t grasp the emotional and psychological nuances of language. The translator can get a human feeling for what the original author is trying to convey in their language and bring that into wording that conveys a similar sense in the target language. They understand the subtleties of the history of both languages and how each word and phrase is used not just literally but in the context of the cultural touchstones for those language users. Professional translators also bring empathy and insight into their work, getting to understand the author and conveying their personality and rhythm. This human element is key for making translations that truly connect with the audience.

Workplace Languages Professional Translation Services 

We offer expert translation services that bridge language and cultural gaps, helping to achieve better communication with an international audience. No matter your industry—from hospitality, food, and service to finance, marketing, medical, or legal—our team of experienced translators is ready to help you adapt your message to the target language. Click here to find out more information about our professional translation services.

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