Is It Time to Translate Your Website?

by | Translation

Successful companies rarely make big strategic moves on a whim. They form committees, analyze data, and weigh the pros and cons of major decisions. That same process should be followed when you’re thinking about whether or not it’s time to translate your website. Investing in website translation is a significant undertaking. Answer these questions to find out if it’s time for you to make the move.

Are you implementing other international marketing strategies?

Translating your website isn’t a one-off task. It should be part of an overall global business strategy. On its own, website translation won’t attract an international audience. In conjunction with other tactics, it’s an important part of successfully launching into a global marketplace. Sometimes, your international marketing plan may evolve over months or even years. Other times it may need to come on quickly based on awareness of your product. Either way, it’s important that your translation plans synch up with the rest of your strategy.

Are you manufacturing your product in another country (or thinking about it)?

It’s a no-brainer to translate your website into a language your target customers speak, but that’s not the only reason. If you outsource production to another country, your website needs to be tailored to your foreign partners. In this case, the translated version of your website translation may be very different from your main website. That’s okay. If the goals of each version of your website are different, make sure the sites are, too.

Do you need to be in compliance with government regulators?

In certain industries, what you’re selling can dictate your website translation requirements. Some foreign marketplaces require companies to provide translation of specific product material. Due diligence here is key.

Do you have a translation partner plan in place?

If you’re thinking you need to translate your website, chances are good that you have other materials that need to be translated as well. All translation services are not created equal. When choosing a translation partner, work with one that can help you formulate overall language goals. In addition to website translation, your global marketing plan may also include customized learning products, language training or online learning for employees and managers.

Website Translation from Workplace Languages

Workplace Languages provides translation services for every language where business is spoken. With Workplace Languages, you get the best of both worlds. We have the experience and resources to offer translation services that rival those of a large translation company, but we provide the customer service and attention to detail that only a small translation agency can. Click here for a free translation quote.

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Workplace Languages has the answer for all of your corporate language needs! Online & onsite / in-person language training is available 24 / 7 / 365. And we offer over 200 languages for your written translation, voiceover and over-the-phone interpretation needs.

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