Getting Started Guide for a Corporate Language Learning Program

by | Language Training, Leadership

Once you’ve decided that your company is ready to implement a corporate language learning program, it’s time to hammer out the details. Follow this guide to set the foundation for a successful language program that closes the communication gap, increases employee productivity, and improves employee retention.

Determine the Language or Languages

Which language or languages do you want to offer to your employees? Think about the goals you have for the program to determine which languages will help you achieve those goals.

If you’re looking to communicate with customers in their native language, start by looking at which languages are most widely spoken by your target market. If you want to improve your customer service, think about which languages are most commonly used by callers on your customer service line. If you want to improve teamwork and morale, consider an English language program since English is known to be the bridge between different languages.

Research Your Options

Once you’ve narrowed down the languages for your corporate language learning program, it’s time to start exploring different options. There are many different types of language programs available, so it’s important to find one that fits your needs and budget. Some programs are designed for classroom use, while others can be used for self-study at home or work. Decide how much time and money you’re willing to invest in the program and then compare your options.

Consider the Time Commitment Involved

Implementing a successful language program can take time. You’ll need to be prepared to commit the necessary resources on an ongoing basis. Are you willing and able to make that commitment? If you’re concerned about being able to follow-through on all the preparation it takes to put together a corporate language learning program, partnering with a business language solutions company can help

Commit to the Program

Deciding whether or not to implement a language program at your business isn’t a decision that should be made lightly. There are many factors to consider, from assessing your company’s needs and determining what resources are available to determining the interest of your employees. But if you’re willing to commit the time and resources necessary to make it happen, starting a corporate language learning program can be a great way to improve communication, increase morale, and help your employees reach their full potential.

Corporate Language Solutions from Workplace Languages

If you’re ready to implement a corporate language learning program, Workplace Languages can help. Workplace Languages has multiple language training services that can fit your needs. As a full service language provider, we offer a wide range of corporate language solutions as well as professional translations and other multilingual services to help companies thrive in the international business environment. If you would like to learn more about Workplace Languages, and how we can help you with your language training and translation needs, please contact us here.

Request a FREE Quote

Workplace Languages has the answer for all of your corporate language needs! Online & onsite / in-person language training is available 24 / 7 / 365. And we offer over 200 languages for your written translation, voiceover and over-the-phone interpretation needs.

Call us at (866) 575-0560 or tell us more about your needs clicking “GET STARTED” below.

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